
Friday, April 9, 2010

Swimsuit season is fast approaching...Eeek!

Can you believe it? We are already a quarter through the year and for those of us in the Midwest, spring is just a pit stop between winter and summer...which means its almost time to dust off those swimsuits and put 'em on. I have to be honest, every winter I put on a little "insulation" and come spring, I'm watching my eats and making trips to the gym. I was referred to an AWESOME website recently (thanks Laura!) that helps keep track of calories, fat, protein and carbs with a database of some 500K food items, and guides you to your limits based on the goals you set. It's called The Daily Plate and it's your new best friend!

Check it out here: The Daily Plate

Lance Armstrong's Livestrong foundation is behind it and I promise, you'll be shocked when you start plugging in the food you're throwing back. It will keep you motivated and hold you accountable for that second glass of wine. Even better, its free!

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