So in light of the new year, I've decided to put together some resolutions and one of them just so happens to be blog at least once a week. When I started blogging I really enjoyed the creative outlet but it was often hard to do with a wonky internet connection and then with the distraction of oh, I don't know...BUYING A HOUSE. And now that we have been in the casa for 7 months and I have spent 7 months doing all kinds of awesome projects that, I thought it was high time I start documenting all them projects.
For the first post of the new year, I am going to lay out my resolutions and hopefully that will help me to stick to them since they will be written out. In blood. Just kidding.
Resolution #1 - Blog at least once a week.
Committing to a creative outlet and a way to document all of my passions and hobbies of cooking and crafting and home decor/projects. And on a consistent basis for pete's sake!
Resolution #2 - Run a half marathon.
Not a full marathon as I would like to avoid having to get bionic knees or arthritis in my twenties. Haha :)
Resolution #3 - Take a Bikram yoga a.k.a. hot yoga class.
I love yoga, it's strengthening and calming qualities. Don't know why but bikram intimidates me.
Resolution #4 - Be a more conscious individual. daughter. friend. employee. wife.
This one is broad but I want to be more conscious of my decisions and words and the situations I am in. I want to be a better person.
Resolution #5 - Grow.
I don't mean height-wise since I stopped growing in high school or width-wise even though I think I may have over the holiday season, lol. But rather as a person. There are lots of skills I'd like to improve or add such as crocheting and sewing and I'd love to see myself grow in my skills and efficiencies at work and as a wife in running the house and balancing work, home and hobbies.
And poof, now it is out there. Feels good to spell it out and give myself these goals for the new year. And now I'm ready to hit the ground running with these ol' resolutions...literally and figuratively...
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