
Monday, July 9, 2012

Frugal Fashionista Files: Mint Watch(es)

Let me start off by saying that I LOVE the color mint. That may be the biggest understatement of the week because I think my love is bordering on obsession. Mint is such a classic color, so cool and refreshing much like a mint mojito or a peppermint patty or a piece of spearmint gum. I’ve been scooping up lots of clothing and accessory items in this lovely hue recently and I haven’t limited it to just mint – I love all of its cousins too! There’s seafoam, honeydew, aquamarine, teal, turquoise…sigh…
Anyways, on to the fashionista files I mentioned in the title of this here blog post. The frugal fashionista files to be precise. I was on Pinterest back in May and pinned this adorable Anthropologie watch.

I. was. in. love.

Wanted, needed and had to have it! But alas, it was on backorder till the end of July. And it was coming in at around $70-$75 with shipping. Not too bad for a watch but still. So I decided to hold off on the Anthro watch, settling instead for gazing longingly at it through my computer screen and wishing I could find one to call my own.

Enter Tar-jay. (Another obsession of mine to be honest). On a biz trip in June I was in the Tampa area and needed to kill some time before my flight home. So I did some shopping and came upon this fun double-banded watch in a lovely seafoam hue.


At a mere $10 bucks, it’s great for adding some color to a casual outfit. Even with this new addition I was wishing I could find a chunky mint watch like the Anthro watch. So I did some poking around online and low-and-behold, Target had another mint watch in their midst!

This bad-mama-jama here.


Sold out online (at the time) I was a patient gal, hitting up the watch section every time I needed to get something at the bulls-eye store. Patience paid off and I brought home my new baby on Tuesday!! For a mere $12.99.

Oh. Yeah.

So for $25 bucks I was able to add not one but TWO new mint-hued accessories to my wardrobe! Great deal and as it is only the beginning of July, 3 weeks before I would have even seen the Anthro watch arrive at my door. *does a happy dance*

1 comment:

  1. Love the watches and the stories of the hunt!!! Target IS my favorite store!!!
