
Sunday, May 2, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Why, with silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row! As the weather has been warming and there is new foliage a-bloomin' I've been looking forward to venturing into gardening. However, my novice gardening skills and lack of a green thumb have been further diminshed by my forgetful nature. So while I desire to grow pretty things, my track record is closer to plant killer than grower. To improve in this arena I have turned to two fantastic books - You Grow Girl and Grow Great Grub both by Gayla Trail. Gayla's writing style is fresh, funny and practical (she has a fantastic website as well, www.yougrowgirl.com). It's perfect for those of us that are limited by space, time or budget and looking to grow with little knowledge. My foray is just beginning but the premise is very simple - transform my simple, small patio into what I hope will be a lovely spot to enjoy the summer days ahead.

The before pictures...
My plan is simple (or so it seems right now): go organic with container gardening. A tomato plant, hanging to keep it away from the critters, and a few herbs will cover the "edible"portion of the spread. I'll also have to do some flowers, most likely some vibrant colored annuals, and round out with a few good-looking plants. Husband and I will be making our own picnic table as well and I'm looking forward to that adventure! Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and enjoy spring planting. More details as the journey continues...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the garden and looking forward to watching your garden grow on the blog:)
